Thursday, May 10, 2012

Good reads: Iron Lace and Rising Tides

Lately, I've been super excited whenever my sister loans me books. She has picked out some gems lately and I love it when she shares books with me.

Two of the most recent reads of hers that I've enjoyed are Iron Lace and Rising Tides by Emilie Richards. The first, Iron Lace, is a novel about a New Orleans matriarch, Aurore, who is nearing the end of her life and she wants to share the deep, dark secrets of her life. It takes place in the 1960s. It definitely shows a glimpse of life in that area--for both priveleged and not-s0-priveleged. Racism and desegregation are huge themes in the book as well.

I really enjoy reading books about other areas of the country or the world and learning about how those people live their lives. We have so many different ways of life in our country....America is a big, diverse place.

The sequel is a follow-up novel to the first that tells the aftermath of Aurore's death as all members of her family must gather and hear the reading of the will. Many questions are answered and much drama, heartache and happiness ensue.

I truly could not put these down.

Thanks for the great reads, sis! I'm currently working on The Bells and I'm lovin' it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you liked them!! I have a LOT of more good ones waiting for you. Good thing you are almost out of school. :) LBS