Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's in bloom

Well, we continue the unusual growing season around here. It has been amazing to me that some of the plants are doing exactly what they should....and then there are the plants that are in "fast forward" mode, blooming about 3-4 weeks early. It's hard to remember that they have been growing since February, so I guess to them, they're right on time. 

My tall phlox and black-eyed Susans are about to bloom....which is so strange, since it's just  July 1st. I've been pinching back my mums to try to hold them off. I also gave the blue mist shrub a bit of a haircut, so we'll see what it does.

Here is what is in bloom right now!

Coreopsis...I can't remember what variety, but I love the coloration in the center and the shape of the petals.

Right behind the coreopsis is phlox....'David's Lavender.' Love the phlox!!

Hibiscus....'Lord Baltimore.' I love this plant....plus, it's a little joke for my neighbors, since it has to do with our street name.

Daisy....'Crazy Daisy.' Not my favorite variety, but a nice enough low-growing variety.

My daylily 'Mary Todd' is just finishing up....

Hope you're getting rain wherever you are! I'm praying for storms here. : )



  1. Love the Hibiscus! Crazy Daisies just like to be left alone...

  2. I like your hibiscus and your crazy daisies. Have a good wknd!

  3. Pretty stuff. Looks healthy and happy too. Hope you get the rain you need.

  4. The flowers of summer, such a treat. I don't think I have been here before.

  5. Lovely blooms of summer! Your hibiscus is one I have never seen here before.


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