Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I must be getting old

I think I might be moving into a new phase of my life. 

You should probably know I'm a bit of a heels aficianado. Now, you would not know it from my styling on the weekends (read: sweats), but at work, I like to dress up and look professional. Other teachers at my school comment that when they hear clicking heels, they know it's me. I suspect the others who dress more casually--one in particular wears overalls (?)--think I may be overdoing it a bit.

That's how I roll.

I have started wearing comfy shoes on the way to work. Mostly on days when I have to drop off two children on my way, which makes for a lot of walking before you even arrive at work. Usually, I am carrying one of said children who weighs almost 35 lbs. Now, while I know many of you are thinking, "If she's that big, she can walk....." I carry her because she gets dropped off at the sitter's house in her PJs. No shoes. Sometimes wrapped in her blankie in lieu of a coat. It's simpler this way.

This brings to mind the picture of the woman, wearing her suit and wearing her comfy athletic shoes to brave the streets of the big city. See below.

The above photo led me to make a new blog discovery.....http://www.fashionbyhe.com/. I may need to follow....it's pretty entertaining.

There are many references to this phenomena in the movies. The first to come to mind is Working Woman, which starred Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford.

I really love this movie. It's from the 80s and if you haven't seen it, you should! You can go wrong with a young Harrison Ford (or an older one, took, for that matter). Very entertaining and a good story. The girls who work in the office sport the comfy athletic shoe on their journeys to work.

Miranda, from Sex and the City, was encouraged by her husband, Steve, to wear sneaker to walk from the subway to their house after they moved to Brooklyn. To which she replied, "You can take me out of Manhattan, but you can't take me out of my heels."

And, lastly (though this one does not reference a working woman), in Legally Blonde, Elle is walking home from being dumped by her scummy boyfriend and he gives her a ride, after convincing her that she'll ruin her heels by walking all the way home in them. She grudgingly agrees and gets in the car.

So. My comfy shoes?

In black. Or brown. Replaced by black or brown flips in warmer weather. Once arrived at school, fancy shoes are put on. Here's hoping I don't forget to stick said fancy shoes in 
my bag. : )

While you'll never catch me wearing my running shoes with my fancy-schmancy school clothes, I don't look nearly as put together wearing these, you know? Either I've changed....or evolved.

I guess when I was younger, I could take the pain. Or didn't care. What do you do in the name of comfort vs. fashion?

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