Saturday, September 3, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Well, I've been a part of the blogging world now for the better part of a year and I'm definitely enjoying my little corner. I'm constantly inspired by things I see and I've enjoyed meeting new bloggers!

I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award from Jen at The Domesticated Nomad. I love her blog--especially her Tuesday Art Adventures! I have two little ones and I'm always looking for new art activities to do with them.


Upon accepting the award, the recipient must thank the blogger who awarded him/her (thank you, Jen!), share seven things about him/herself and share ten newfound blogs. we go.

7 Things About Me You May Not Know

1. I love anything with icing.
2. I am a magazine junkie. I think I may have a problem.
3. I have traveled to 40 of the 50 states.
4. I have a green thumb and love to spend time in my garden!
5. I enjoy working out and like to do a lot of strength training.
6. I could spend my days reading books and be perfectly happy.
7. I'm fairly handy and enjoy fixing things up around the house.

10 Newfound Blogs (and a few favorites, too)
1. Crayon Freckles
2. Curds and Whey
3. Don't Disturb This Groove
4. Mish Mashed: Diary of a Supermom
5. Confessions of a First-Time Dad at 45
6. Pleased as Punch
7. The Impatient Gardener
8. Tootsie Time
9.Ginger Snap Crafts
10. Tulip and Turnip

Hope you enjoyed learning a few random things about me and checking out some new blogs!

Enjoy the long weekend!


  1. Congrats on the award! Thanks for following Adithis Amma Sews I am following you back! Hope to see you around in Sew Skirts September!

  2. congratulations! thank you kindly Jennifer, for passing the award my way.


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